
Getting started with corporate accent modification

The corporate world has drastically changed in just the last year and a half alone. It is no longer important where an employee is working from, but if they are the best person for the job. Employers can seek professionals from around the world to secure the best possible talent for the role they are looking to fill. As such, given the global marketplace, it is common for professionals to work in non-native countries.

With this new structure of work in place, it is more important than ever that companies invest in corporate accent modification for their employees who originate from various locations throughout the world. Ensuring that they have the tools to communicate effectively is paramount.

Here at Seagull Speech, we are not intending to erase one’s culture or accent; these are wonderful facets to be proud of. We specialize in helping our clients implement speaking techniques that will improve their connection with their colleagues and clients, and allow them to communicate their ideas clearly with their teams.

Corporate accident modification is one step you, as an employer, can take to ensure that your staff is functioning at the highest level in an International business world. Before your team connects via Zoom or in-person meetings, they need to connect through clear and concise communication. We can help get them prepared for what is ahead.